Pastor Don, along with His wife Sue have been at JCPM for over 20 years. Pastor Don and Sue have a heart for local outreach as well as missions around the world. They have a vision of helping our community to be improved by blessing others through showing God’s love. They are involved in several local outreaches and also regularly travel overseas in mission related trips. They also have a heart for the members of our fellowship and strive to help us grow in our walk of faith with Jesus.
Rodney Frost
Music Minister
Rodney has been with the JCPM church his whole life. Here he learned to love God thru music. Now Rodney uses his musical gifting and leads our vocal choir, our hand bell choir, Hands of Praise, and our praise team in worship.
Kenneth Sherman
Trustee Board President
Ken has been a part of JCPM for most of his life and has served us many years. His love for Christ and people is incredible. He has been a member of our Trustee Board for many years now and is currently the president of it. Ken Sherman is just the man to see concerning anything to do with our church property and building usage.
Ronald Prince
Sunday School Superintendent
Ron has been with the JCPM church his whole life. He has been the Sunday School Superintendent for many years as well as a teacher of one of our children's classes. Ron is devoted to Christ and his church and has a huge heart for